What is CHAMP?
The “Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Management Program,”
or CHAMP, is a tool that manages services and funding for people living with HIV or AIDS (PLWHA).
CHAMP was developed in the Newark, New Jersey Eligible Metropolitan Area (EMA) in 1997.
It has been used successfully to manage services and finances, prepare federal reports,
and provide outcome data for the annual Ryan White application and other HIV/AIDS
Ongoing updates have incorporated new technology and changing
federal requirements.
CHAMP has been upgraded to meet requirements of the Ryan White Treatment Modernization
Act (RWTMA) of 2006, effective December 19, 2006.
CHAMP consists of three components:
CHAMP assists administrators in managing all aspects of HIV/AIDS
services and spending.
It assists in programmatic and fiscal monitoring
by both in-office desk reviews and site visits.
- Implements Unit Cost Contracting.
- Electronic Billing of Services.
- Contract monitoring – monthly comparison of actual to target spending.
- Re-allocation of unspent dollars during year to ensure grant is fully spent by year-end.
- Tracks formula and supplemental dollars.
- Tracks multiple funding sources, e.g., HOPWA.
- Provider-level monitoring and evaluation.
- EMA-level aggregate reporting.
- Generates RDR/CADR data.
Confidential Client Level Database
Detailed demographic, socioeconomic, and HIV medical data for each client
- Implements Unit Cost Contracting.
- “Required fields” of mandated client data. Federally-required fields for CADR. EMA/TGA can set its own additional requirements.
- Unique client identifier (“Client ID”) to protect client & avoid duplication.
- Centralized system and “Look Up” feature enabling providers to view services previously received by client, thus avoiding duplication.
- Automated service referral and acceptance within Ryan White system.
Information is used for quality control (quality of service), statistical reporting and analysis, across the EMA.
CHAMP is anonymous; information collected in CHAMP cannot identify a client
Outcomes Reporting/Quality Management
CHAMP produces reports to assess performance, improve medical
outcomes and complete the competitive annual Ryan White grant application. They are available by gender, age, race/ethnicity, geography including ZIP code
- Implements Unit Cost Contracting.
- “Ad Hoc” reporting of unduplicated client counts by provider and EMA.
- Service utilization by PLWHA in and out of medical care.
- WICY reports of service expenditures– women, children, infants and youth.
- Parity of services comparing service utilization with HIV surveillance data by gender, race/ethnicity, and geography.
- “Met need” and unmet need among Ryan White programs.
- Point in time measurement
of CD4 and Viral Load by detailed variables – gender, race/ethnicity, age with in
ZIP code area – for more precise targeting of services.
- Historical trends analysis,
e.g., change in CD4 and Viral Load levels.
- Performance reporting.
- HRSA 2008 Medical Outcomes
- 2 or more CD4 counts per year
- 2 or more medical visits per year
- PCP/MAC Prophylaxis (in process)
- Pregnant women on HAART
- Administrative management
- Unit cost conversion
- Technical support
- Data collection
- Data analysis and Outcomes reports
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